Saturday, October 25, 2008

Diet Tip

Diet Tip Of The Day:
Smaller portions eat you must.....

Hi everyone! Well I really don't have a diet tip for today - well....maybe one that a friend gave me once "Keep your mouth shut and walk around the block" - good one, huh?! Anyway, Amber, as the site administrator I thought you might want to check out the "Diet Tip of the Day" gadget on your dashboard. It's under "Tools" in the "Add a Gadget" section. Love Ya! Mom


Anonymous said...

Yeah I am back on here!!!

Another tips is drink lots of water!!

Anonymous said...

Counting Carbs?
The Net Carb Count helps you count carbs that impact blood sugar. Good carbs, those that are better for you, have a lower blood sugar impact.

Anonymous said...

Health Tip:
Watch serving sizes! "Super sizing" does not mean "super nutrition" For Example, the typical bagel today is actually equivalent to 4 slices of bread! YIKES! An appropriate serving of meat (3.oz) should be about the size of as a deck of playing cards :)

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